What is Family Office?

WealthAxis Family Office

What is Family Office?


The family office is a private organization established by a family to oversee, directly or indirectly, the financial affairs of the family.
It is aimed to provide tailored wealth management solutions in an integrated fashion while promoting and preserving the identity and values of the UHNWIs and their families.

WealthAxis Family Office FAQs

We are a multi-family office. We put a strong emphasis on providing comprehensive wealth management services, such as risk management, family governance and tax and estate planning.

Family can keep all personal information in a secure place which can only be accessed by limited number of people. It can offer a customized capital allocation for a specific family. In some cases, family office have an improved access to investment options of institutional quality.

  • Integrity and business expertise relevant to the owner's situations
  • Flexibility in meeting the needs of various clients
  • Access to good investing guidance
  • The capacity to assist or serve as co-trustee or fiduciary

  • To sustain typical and unique family heritage
  • To unify family vision of the future
  • To achieve philanthropic goals
  • To build structure of ownerships across generations